Tag: push

How to handle a failed push when the remote contains work you don’t have locally – 127

In Visual Studio, if the remote contains work that you don’t have locally, and you try to do a push to that branch, you’ll see the following in Visual Studio Team Explorer:

Failed to push to the remote repository. See output window for more details.

The output window contains more information:

output window - the remote contains work that you don't have locally

You’ll resolve this by clicking Pull

Pull from Team Explorer

Visual Studio will automatically do any merges. Since there are were no conflicts, the auto-merge was successful and created a merge commit.

Push outgoing commits

Now you can simply Push these changes up to the remote.

Successfully pushed to origin/master

From the command line

Here’s what the corresponding scary message looks like from command line.

Updates were rejected because the remote contains work from CLI

You’ll first want to Git Pull – which will result with Notepad prompting me to update my merge commit message if needed.

And now in Mortal Kombat fashion (I spelled Kombat right this time), you need to Finish It!

and do a Git Push.