How to create a pull request for a bug fix on a branch on a forked repo that you’ve pushed to GitHub – 044

This might be my greatest worst blog post title ever.

In previous tips, you’ve created pull requests as part of the commit workflow when you’ve edited or added files directly on GitHub. In other tips, you’ve cloned repos, created branches, made bug fixes, and pushed those changes up to your forked GitHub repo. Now you’ll submit those bug fixes to the base repo via a pull request.

First, switch to the branch that contains the changes you wish to propose to the base repository.

switching to windows-fix branch

Now to the right of the branch: switch button, click New pull request.

switching to windows-fix branch

And you’ll see the familiar Pull Request form on the base repo. Remember, PRs are open on the base repo, and not on your forked repo. In fact, you can’t find the pull request tab on your forked repo!

Fortunately, our changes have no conflicts, so we are good to go!

Open a pull request form

In the forms below, you’ll want to provide a helpful comment. The title of the PR is just the name of the branch as a placeholder, so provide something more meaningful.

filled out pull request form

Once the PR form is filled out, clicked the Create pull request button, and volia!

created Pull Request shown in base repo

The base repo now has a Pull Request created, and there was much rejoicing!

You might notice that it says #4 when there’s only been 2 other pull requests for this repo. Issues and Pull Requests share the same number listings. At the time of this writing, the order in which things were created in this repo are as follows: #1 PR, #2 PR, #3 Issue, and #4 the PR you’re looking at now.

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